Rotation is a basic alteration. A rotation spins its sprite around the sprite's center.
By default, a sprite's center is at 0,0 so in the first example the rotation looks rather odd. In the second example
we move the center to the sprite's true center and the rotation appears as you expect.
The speed value controls direction and how many degrees to move per second.
Rotations are based on the unit circle.
This means that 0 degrees is towards the right and positive speed value causes counter-clockwise rotation.
SCL uses a 360 degree circle
distance can be set to make the rotation stop after rotating the given distance.
destination causes the rotation to stop when the sprite reaches the given angle.
You can use distance=short with destination to
force the rotation to reach the destination using the shortest distance.
Rotations allow a number of options which can be reviewed in the reference guide.



Distances and destinations